13 weeks left

I cannot believe that the last 97 days of my 2014/2015 race season are upon me. I have lots of racing left to do! 

Coming up (August 8th) is my next 5k adventure Marathon by the sea in Saint John, New Brunswick. Then comes an epic 5k run, The Terry Fox Run (35th anniversary) September 20th on the Confederation Bridge (between New Brunswick & Prince Edward Island) and last but not least my two final 5k races (October 18 & October 25) PEI Marathon in Charlottetown & Legs for literacy in Moncton (hometown race).  
Legs actually starts my 3rd year running. It was the first race I took part in way back in 2013. Three years already…seems like yesterday I was taking part for the first time. Time flies & so many memories later. The journey has taken me distances I thought I’d never do so quickly, like my first 10k (second race & first race in 2014). Then in 2015 at the same race do another 10k preceded by a 5k the day before. A 15k weekend what was I thinking? A good test that’s what! Proud to be part of the Maritime Challenge, doing 3 races in 3 province (admit idol love the bling). It seems surreal, but I have the race bibs & medals to prove it. Mentally it’s been a ride…one which I wouldn’t change for the world. I’ve met & continue to meet many fellow runners (which in itself is a great support system). As I look forward, these next 13 weeks, my wish is to try & break a 40 minute 5k (currently at 45 minutes). From my first race in 2013 to the same race in 2014 I shaved 5:18 off (Legs for literacy). 

  Tooth ache shot.

Looking forward to the next 13 weeks, 



Published by charflew23

I'm many things wound into one, the sum of my parts. Advocate for a better perspective on mental health, adventures of a writer šŸ“ and content creator #charflew23

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