Emotions of motion (it’s a start) part 1 🏃 

The start line can be daunting but oh so fun. You’d think with depression/anxiety I’d freak out in large crowds, nope. The start is the coming together of all runners either distance wise or all together (en masse). It’s a sense of going for the common goal (the finish line) that bring us together. 

To the newbies the first start line or corral can be scary, but it’s nothing to worry about. The training has been done and you’re about to set off. The first things first, be realistic on your time (starts are timed from fastest in front to slowest runners & walkers behind) or corrals are set up based on times given at registration before race day. The reason I say be realistic on time is because you can always start at the back and still make a decent race time…chip time makes that possible. A chip is either a sticker on back of number or a ankle bracelet that you take with you on the run! Every start is different even if you do similar things, just go with it. Find your groove, one start at a time. Racing is a solitary sport with a side of community spirit! 

Part 2,will be about community in racing and the race! 


Published by charflew23

I'm many things wound into one, the sum of my parts. Advocate for a better perspective on mental health, adventures of a writer 📝 and content creator #charflew23

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